Early evaluation of the children and young people’s mental health trailblazer programme
This animation summarises the key findings.
Starting in 2019, The Children and Young People’s Mental Health Trailblazer programme created mental health support teams to work in schools and further education colleges in 25 areas of the UK. These teams were designed to provide early intervention, support emotional wellbeing and in some cases, referral to other mental health services.
In order to find out if this programme is effective, experts from the BRACE Rapid Evaluation Centre and Policy Innovation and Evaluation Research Unit (PIRU) completed a national evaluation. Working with the Youth Advisory Group at the University of Birmingham’s Institute for Mental Health, the evaluation aimed to figure out: do these mental health support teams work well? What could be done to improve them in future? And what can the Trailblazer programme tell us about children and young people’s mental health needs?

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