- There are over 1000 SEBDA members, living mainly in England, but also Scotland, Wales and Ireland and a few abroad.
- SEBDA is intra – and inter-professional, drawing members mainly from education (mainstream schools, PRUs, behaviour support, educational psychology and special) but also from care and mental health agencies concerned with children with SEBD.
- Our work reaches many non-members.
National Council
The SEBDA National Council consists of representatives from SEBDA membership nationally and is responsible for ensuring that the Association
- Is representative of its members.
- Pursues its agreed aims.
- Builds an effective organisation.
- Identifies and disseminates good practice.
- Provides relevant training and materials.
A full list of National Council members can be viewed here.
SEBDA Executive members
- Pam Jones OBE, Chair
- Rob Long, Vice Chair
- Bob Law, Treasurer
SEBDA Trustees
- Joan Prichard, President
- Pam Jones OBE
- Bob Law
- Rob Long
- Judith Stott
- Dominic Gunn, Hon. Gen. Secretary
Executive, management and administration
- The National Executive is made up of leading Officers some of whom are also Trustees of the Association.
- It works closely with National Council in agreeing the strategic direction of the Association and the implementation of its policies and practices.
- Officers give their services voluntarily.
The Association Constitution
The running of SEBDA is governed by its constitution. The full document can be viewed by SEBDA members in the resources area of this site.
To find out more contact: SEBDA Head Office, Unit 3, Park Grange, Evegate Business Park, Smeeth, Ashford, Kent, TN25 6SX or email
Find out about our aims and ambition
Why become a SEBDA member?
Want to make a donation?
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