Organising a conference such as this is very much a team effort, and it would not happen without the help and support of a huge number of people; we are indebted to everyone who contributed in any way at all.
Our eminent keynote speakers gave freely of their time, experience and expertise as they shared their research with rapt audiences.
- Professor Carmel Cefai, University of Malta
- Professor Karen Guldberg, University of Birmingham
- Professor Harry Daniels and Associate Professor Ian Thompson, University of Oxford
- Professor Mina Fazel, University of Malta
- Dr Anne Southall, La Trobe University, Australia

Over 50 colleagues from education, health, social care, academia and the charity sector took time out from their busy professional lives to join us in Birmingham and share their innovative practice and/or research. The conference was a wonderful opportunity for delegates and presenters, be they researchers or practitioners, to network, share experiences and learn from each other.
Conference planning team
The Conference Planning Team started work over a year before the conference took place. They worked tirelessly and enthusiastically, meeting via Zoom every couple of weeks at the end of a no doubt challenging working day, to make sure everything was in place for a successful conference.
Zaina Aljumma, Kathy Evans, Donna Gaywood, Lynn Gazal, Dominic Gunn, Neil Hall, Rebecca Haycock, Pam Jones, Bob Law, Catherine Morgan, Maria Poulou, Alan Price, Les Sage, Juliet Taylor, Sanja Tatalović Vorkapić, Marguerite Watt.
In addition our gratitude must go to Hang Phi who came forward as a volunteer to help at the conference itself. She quickly became part of the team and her readiness to turn her hand to any task was invaluable.

Supporting organisations
We are grateful to representatives from ENSEC (European Network for Social Emotional and UNICEF who supported us throughout the planning process as well as presenting at the conference itself.
We were fortunate enough to attract a number of exhibitors whose presence contributed hugely to the buzz of the conference and provided delegates with the opportunity to explore publications and resources and find out about the work of some important organisations. We are especially grateful to Clelia of Palgrave Macmillan who stayed to the very end of the conference and helped us with the clearing up!
We are very grateful to a group of musicians from Birmingham Conservatoire who joined us for the Gala Dinner. Their music greatly added to the atmosphere and prompted many delegates to work off their meal with some lively dancing.

Nasr M Saleh was the talented photographer who joined us for two days and was everywhere with his cameras and a smile which put everyone at ease. His excellent images capture the mood of the conference and we are very grateful to him for giving us his time.
He can be contacted via

The person responsible for creating our eye catching logo and designing the Conference Website is Wei Su. His collaborative approach and patience in developing the logo and conference brand was most welcome.
Find out more about his work at

University conference and catering teams
Finally we must thank the university conference and catering teams a the University of Birmingham. They made us most welcome and looked after us very well with excellent facilities, delicious food and staff who would go the extra mile. Many delegates commented on how friendly and helpful all the staff were.

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